Today, 8 caseloads of soap from UNICEF contingency stocks in Petit-Goave have arrived at Lafana. They were kindly delivered by Terre des Hommes, a network of organizations working for the rights of children. The soap was part of our request for hygiene supplies from UNICEF made last week. We are also waiting and hoping to receive hygiene kits from UNICEF.
Supplies like soap, shampoo, and detergent are essential to maintaining a healthy level of hygiene, and when coupled with good hygiene habits, like handwashing, form an extremely effective barrier against the transmission of diseases, especially diarrhea and respiratory infections.
Terre des Hommes/UNICEF's soap donation is of great help and will last us for up to 6 months. We are crossing our fingers for additional hygiene supplies from them. In the meantime, we're in the planning stages to get some handwashing tippy taps up.
Also, we were informed by John Augsburger of Allied Recovery International that our well new well and treadle pump should be completed in another 2 days or so! His crew dropped off bricks and sand for the concrete slab to protect the well earlier today.
Supplies like soap, shampoo, and detergent are essential to maintaining a healthy level of hygiene, and when coupled with good hygiene habits, like handwashing, form an extremely effective barrier against the transmission of diseases, especially diarrhea and respiratory infections.
Terre des Hommes/UNICEF's soap donation is of great help and will last us for up to 6 months. We are crossing our fingers for additional hygiene supplies from them. In the meantime, we're in the planning stages to get some handwashing tippy taps up.
Also, we were informed by John Augsburger of Allied Recovery International that our well new well and treadle pump should be completed in another 2 days or so! His crew dropped off bricks and sand for the concrete slab to protect the well earlier today.